Friday, January 26, 2024

January 22nd - 25th, 2024: Hibernation

Hello Firefly Families!

This week we learned all about hibernation--which animals HIBERNATE, which ones ADAPT to the snow/cold and which animals MIGRATE to a warmer climate. We made a cozy hibernation cave in our reading arch, sequenced winter trees and added glittery snow, wrote letters in "snow" trays, responded to the journal prompt, "Where does your bear hibernate?" and sorted which animals hibernate/adapt in the winter as a group on the rug. We also loved having a cozy jammie day on Thursday to hibernate with our loveys. :) We read the books Bear Snores On, Over and Under the SnowMaking a Friend and When It Starts to Snow. Our HWT letter of the week was M.


*Library Day is THURSDAY!

*NO SCHOOL: Monday, February 19th for President's Day!

Here are some pictures from our week!

Fun in ART making sculptures!

Will and his Mario Legos for Show and Tell

Grey playing the hibernation game

Creating our hibernation cave...

Tristan and his Wall-E robot for Show and Tell!

Learning about the word MIGRATION

Shhhh Cecilia is hibernating... ;)

Playing with our bears in the snow dough!

Writing letters in "snow"

Dr. Julianna

Snowball game!

Adding snow to our winter trees

Arctic animals in shaved ice!

Fun in the gym with some Chipmunk friends

Learning about which animals HIBERNATE 
and which ones ADAPT to the cold!

Happy Birthday, HANK!!!

Journal time--where does your bear hibernate?

Last name practice!

Coming Up Next Week: Arctic/Antarctic Animals!

Have a great weekend!!

Lexi & Jaymi