Friday, October 6, 2023

October 2nd - 5th, 2023: Scarecrows and Crows

Hello Firefly Families!

We had so much fun this week! We read the books The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid Of Anything, The Scarecrow, The Scarecrow's Hat and Popcorn.  We cut out and built our own scarecrows and corn in the husk, practiced lacing with fall lacing cards, and used various shapes to make crows. Our sensory bin was filled with popcorn kernels and black beans (crows) and we had to use tongs to pick out the black beans from the corn. We sequenced The Little Old Lady story together on the board, and finished the poem "Scarecrow, scarecrow, how scary can you be? You scared _____ but you didn't scare me!" in our journals. Our HWT letter of the week was U. 

Our character trait this month is FRIENDLY. Here are some ideas to get your child to talk about how to be a good friend. :)

5 Black Crows

5 crows all shiny black 

sat on a scarecrows back, 

eating the most delicious corn--


Scarecrow winked and shouted "BOO!" 

scared that crow and away he flew! 

Now there are 4 black shiny crows...

"CAW! CAW!" (repeat going down to zero)


I am a scarecrow 

stuffed with hay, 

standing watch in my field all day. 

When I see a crow

I like to shout.....

"Hey Mr. Crow you better 

get out!

Here are some fun pictures of our week!

Practicing numeral to quantity with feeding crows some corn!

Cutting out our corn husks and gluing on corn

Mia's painting matched her dress!

We problem solved with the story, 
"The Scarecrow's Hat"

Making shape crows

Last day for the apple stand!

Can you get all of the "crows" out the corn?

Who did your scarecrow scare?

Adora and her bear for Show and Tell

Practicing our lacing skills

We sequenced the book 
"The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything"

We made pumpkins in Art class!

Our scarecrows all looked very unique!

Tristan and his shark took for Show and Tell!

Coming up next week: SpOoKy stuff! Spiders, ghosts, monsters, OH MY!

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Lexi & Jaymi