Friday, December 15, 2023

December 11th - 14th, 2023: Holiday Traditions!

Hello Firefly Families!

We had a lot of fun this week talking about our holiday traditions and the holidays that we celebrate! We worked hard on our parent gifts, painted a circle stamp Christmas tree, responded to the journal prompt,"What's in your gift?", learned about Hanukkah & played the dreidel game, cut out special "gifts" out of catalogs to wrap and gift to our Firefly friends (this was a favorite!) and played a gingerbread roll and cover math game. Ellis's mom also came in and we did a Christmas ornament craft and talked about Christmas! We read the books Mr. Willowby's Christmas TreeHome for the Holidays, Clifford Celebrates Hanukkah, and If You Take a Mouse to the Movies. Our Handwriting Without Tears letter this week was R. This week we also talked about our new character ed trait--CARING, and what it means to care for our friends and our things.


*Our Firefly Winter Party & LECC Pajama Day: Tuesday, December 19th (party is at 11!)

*Half Day for Everyone at LECC: Wednesday, December 20th (dismissal starts at 12:15)

*WINTER BREAK: Starts Thursday, December 21st and school resumes Thursday, January 4th!

Here are some fun pictures from our week!

Choosing, wrapping and giving 
gifts to our Firefly friends!

Celebrating with a Hanukkah dinner
in the kitchen area :)

Play the dreidel game! Taking however 
many "gelt" it says on the dreidel.

Drawing gingerbread babies for the question of the day.

Susa and her Barbie for Show and Tell!

Gingerbread "cookies"

Working hard on our parent gift...

Making snowflakes in art class

Hank and his robot for Show and Tell!

Making circle print Christmas trees

Gingerbread "roll, count and cover/write" game

Wrapping more gifts with our substitute, Miss Pam

Choosing the perfect gift for our friends!

Letter of the week--R!

Mariana and her Marshmallow kitty for Show and Tell!

Can you get the gingerbread man to his house?

Our snowglobe for the winter board in the carpool hallway!

Mia and her mermaid for Show and Tell!

What's in your gift?

Coming Up Next Week: LECC Pajama Day, our Firefly Party & Winter break!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Lexi & Jaymi